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  • Writer's pictureDebby Kennedy

Puppies!! Week 2

The big news this week is that the pups finally have their eyes open! Their vision still isn't very developed at this point, but it's exciting to see their eyes. Their vision will keep developing for the next several weeks. Their ears are also starting to open, but they still don't hear much, so loud noises don't startle them.

They are starting to try to get up onto their legs, but it's really wobbly. They will continue getting stronger in the coming weeks. (But in the meantime, watching them walk is kind of funny. Makes you wonder if "milk drunk" is really a thing.)

The pups still spend most of their time sleeping (when not eating - their other favorite past time!) They love to sleep on top of or snuggled next to each other. I used to worry about the one on the bottom, but they seem to like it under there.

Finding the exact right spot to sleep is very important, so much time is spent moving to find that perfect spot!

Feeding time is still the most important part of the day. When Mom walks into the pen after being outside for a few minutes, the pups all flock to her trying to get the best place to feed (even if she had just fed them before going outside!) They are all eating well. Not one has needed supplemental feedings. It is getting a little crowded during feeding time though.

One exciting new development is that the pups are starting to interact with each other. They are actually attempting to play together. It may not be much yet, but it's a beginning. They still don't have teeth, so everything is pretty gentle. I love watching their tails wag as they "battle."

Mom is still their favorite place to be, even when not eating.

And, though Ditto loves the snow, she will only be out for a couple of minutes before returning to check on her pups.

I can't wait to see what next week brings!

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1 Comment

Jan 28, 2022

I could watch them all day long, they are so adorable ❤️❤️❤️

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