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  • Writer's pictureDebby Kennedy

How Did They Get to Be Six Weeks Old??

When I took the pups to the vet yesterday for a checkup, shots, and another worming, it struck me that they were finally 6 weeks old. I have only 2 more weeks to love on them before they go to their new homes. Every day they seem to have grown and are more and more alert and playful. It’s going to be quiet around here when they are gone.

The boys waiting for the vet. The girls

This week was a busy one because my grandkids were visiting. We had a great time despite everyone getting a stomach bug.

The pups are getting most of their nutrition through solid food, but they do still nurse on Mom every chance they get.

Ditto is a great mom, playing with the pups every chance she gets. She’s so patient with them, gently teaching them how to play without being too rough, even rushing over to break up the fights that siblings invariably get into.

They are learning to play more with each other and not just by themselves with the toys. To give them more room to play and explore, we expanded the pen twice this week.

With them growing, they are also messier. For some reason, several of them have decided that the piddle pad makes a great sleeping space. The pads also make great toys to rip off and drag around the pen unless I tape it down well, so baths are getting more frequent. (Black has already figured out how to shake when wet.)

They have no fear of the floor cleaner that makes its appearance in their pen several times a day. Unless I'm careful, they also like to try to help me with clean up.

One fun thing that happened this week is that the ears of a couple of the pups have begun to go up. This changes their appearances so much. They will probably go up and down for a good while yet. (Gryphon's ears took almost a year before they decided to stay up.)

It's getting harder and harder for me to get photographs of the pups both because they don't stay still and if I get in the pen, they stop what they are doing and swarm me for attention. I will be posting a lot of videos on our Facebook page so you can see them in action.

Sleeping or awake, I think you'll agree, the pups are pretty cute. I'm blessed to have them, even if only for a little while.

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